
Latest News
Plans for early 2025
In February 2025 we anticipate that Paddington will mate a bitch who is working line and with whom he has had puppies twice previously. All being well this will mean puppies half working line half show line born near Oxford in April 2025 and ready for their new homes in June 2025.
In February 2025 we anticipate that Paddington will mate a bitch who is half working line. All being well this will mean puppies a quarter working line three quarters show line born in Herefordshire in April 2025 and ready for their new homes in June 2025.
In March 2025 we anticipate that Paddington will mate a bitch who is show line. All being well this will mean show line puppies born in Devon in May 2025 and ready for their new homes in July 2025.
There are likely to be some planned litters that we do not yet know about. We generally know of puppies from our line approximately every two months, so if none of the litters mentioned is at the right time for you or they are all fully booked then please check back later or ask to go on our mailing list.
Previous News
On 6 September 2024 Florence gave birth to a litter of 9 female and 2 male puppies, the sire being Poldark. The puppies have gone to their new homes.
On 15 August 2024 a bitch Paddington mated who is three quarters show line gave birth to 12 puppies: 4 males and 8 females. These puppies were near and Newport and have gone to their new homes.
On 21 June 2024 a bitch Paddington mated who is half working line and half show line gave birth to 3 female puppies. These puppies in Lincolnshire have gone to their new homes.
On 9 May 2024 a bitch Paddington mated in March gave birth to 8 puppies: 6 males and 2 females. The puppies were in Penarth and have gone to their new homes.
On 24 March 2024 a show line bitch near Exeter that Paddington mated in January gave birth to 9 puppies, 4 males and 5 females. The puppies have gone to their new homes.
On 21 February 2024 a show line bitch Paddington mated just before Christmas 2023 gave birth to 9 puppies, 3 males and 6 females. These puppies were near Tenby in West Wales and have gone to their new homes.
Gemma gave birth to a litter of 8 puppies, 4 males and 4 females, on 14 February 2024. The puppies have all gone to their new homes.
In mid July 2023 Paddington mated a show line bitch, Lola, who lives in Newport. Lola gave birth to 8 puppies on 16 September 2023, 5 male pups and 3 female pups. These puppies were 8 weeks old on 11 November 2023 and have now gone to their new homes.
In late July 2023 Paddington mated another show line bitch, Willow, who lives near Usk. Willow gave birth to 7 puppies, 4 male pups and 3 female pups on 30 September 2023; these puppies were 8 weeks old on 25 November 2023 and have now gone to their new homes.
Florence gave birth to her second litter of puppies on 4 August 2023, 5 males and 8 females; these have all gone to their new homes. The sire was Bear, Putjade Push the Button.
In the spring and summer of 2022 four litters sired by Paddington arrived safely, with 8 or 9 puppies each time. Two of these litters were in South Wales, the others being in Gloucestershire and Merseyside. His Gloucestershire mate was mainly working line while the others were mainly or wholly show line.
In October 2022 Paddington mated a mainly show line bitch, Marnie, who lives in South Somerset. 10 puppies, 5 males and 5 females, arrived on 17 December 2022. The puppies have now gone to their new homes.
In November 2022 Paddington mated a show line bitch, Polly, who lives in Devon. 8 puppies, 5 males and 3 females, arrived on 5 January 2023. The puppies have now gone to their new homes.
Dottie (sister of Florence and Paddington), who lives in Newport, has given birth to 7 puppies. These puppies are all male and arrived on 6 February 2023. The puppies have now gone to their new homes.
In February 2023 Paddington had a repeat mating with his first mate, Marla, who is working line and lives in Oxfordshire. Marla gave birth to 7 puppies, 5 males and 2 females, on Easter Sunday. The puppies went to their new homes in June 2023.
In May 2022 Florence gave birth to 10 puppies, 5 males and 5 females, on 30 May 2022. The sire was the lovely Artie.
Getting in touch
If you feel the time is right for you to make the commitment to give a puppy from us or from our line a lifelong, loving home, please get in touch via email telling us a bit about yourself and where you live.
It's a big decision
Please read the following articles:
- Being a responsible dog owner
- Choosing and bringing home your dog
- Deciding which breed
- Features of the Golden Retriever
Can I choose my puppy?
All our puppies are lovely, and they will all grow into beautiful adult dogs
with wonderful temperaments.
What they have in common, their parentage and the special care that they
receive with us, far outweighs any difference.
Most people choose between male and female, but if you are happy with either that gives more flexibility, particularly if one puppy is going to train as an assistance dog.
During the visit at five weeks old, you may express a preference for a
certain puppy.
Some people feel a puppy chooses them! Or you can explain to
As I get to know the new owners and understand their lifestyle, this helps me to
instinctively realise which puppy might be best for them.
Deciding on their final homes at eight weeks old is very much like putting the last pieces in a jigsaw, or completing a lego model. All the groundwork has been done and eventually you see the final picture. Everyone has always been delighted with the new addition to their family. Many people are now returning to us for another dog, and we welcome them back as old friends.
Your new puppy
- Information sheet for loving new owners
- FAQs
- Puppy care information
- Male or Female - Is it important?
- If you wish to breed - Explanation of Endorsements
Going home time
All puppies upon leaving will get:
- Kennel Club registration certificate.
- Offer of 4 weeks free insurance.
- 5 Generation Pedigree sheet.
- Supply of puppy food.
- Guidance on feeding, training and care.
- Telephone support.
- Veterinary check.
- Microchip
Kennel Club Assured Breeder's Scheme
We are a member of the Kennel Club Assured Breeder's Scheme (Breeder number 3376328).